This website accompanies our Team App smartphone app available from the App Store or Google Play. Download Team App now and search for Xavier Saints Netball Club to enjoy our team app on the go.
To access all the features of this site you need to Log In or Sign Up.
The Injury Hub has come on board in 2019 as a Xavier Saints Sponsor. We are proud to be affiliated with such a great local business. The Injury Hub offers many services including Physiotherapy, Remedial Massage, Sports Doctor, Dietitian and much more.
Xavier Saints Netball Club encourages you to visit The Injury Hub for all your Injury, Health and Wellness needs.
Be sure to mention that you are a Xavier Saints member to earn funds for our club. Gawler have kindly donated gift vouchers to be awarded throughout our club for Winter 2019.
Please show your support and appreciation, shop local at Sportspower Gawler!
The Kingsford Hotel have kindly once again supported our club with the donation of vouchers to be used within our club.
The Kingsford are also a part of our members Card Rewards Program.
Fasta Pasta have once again come on board and provided our club with some generous gift vouchers to be distributed throughout our club for Winter 2019.
Please show your support, stay local and dine at Fasta Pasta Gawler!
Hungry Jacks Gawler have provided our club with many generous vouchers to be given to junior club members throughout Winter 2019.
McDonalds Gawler have provided our club with a generous amount of vouchers to be distributed to our junior members throughout Winter 2019.
KFC Gawler have once again provided our club with many vouchers to be presented to our Junior members throughout Winter 2019.
Susan has been a member of Xavier Saints for some time and has come on board this year to help our girls improve their fitness and stability.
Classes run Tuesday nights 6.30pm in the Roseworthy Memorial Hall. Mention you are affiliated with Xavier Saints and receive every 10th session free.